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Top 10 Pantry Organization Ideas

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Today’s the day… we’re reorganizing the pantry! While this can be a slightly daunting and time-consuming task, the end result is well worth the time & effort you put into it. Below are my Top 10 Pantry Organization Ideas & Tips. Let’s get to it!

Best Pantry Organization Ideas

#1: Purge!

PURGE YOUR PANTRY! Throw out anything that is expired, gone bad, or that you know will never get eaten. That bag of chips that’s been open for a month, the random granola bar that you know nobody will eat – get rid of it all. A good rule of thumb is that if there’s any question as to whether or not to throw it out, just chuck it!

#2: Empty & Sort

After purging your no-good items, completely empty your pantry until the shelves are bare. As you empty the pantry, group together similar food items. Here’s a good way to group things together:

  • canned goods (which you can further separate into groups)
    • ex. canned beans, canned meats, canned fruits, etc.
  • baking ingredients
  • grains & pastas
  • cereals
  • bottled ingredients like oils, syrups, sauces, & dressings
  • condiments
  • snack foods
  • cleaning supplies/paper products
  • supplements (protein powders, pre-workout, vitamins, greens, etc.)
  • donation pile

Bonus Tip: If you find you have extra non-perishables (that aren’t expired I might add,) make a donation pile and drop them off at a local food pantry. You get to clean out your pantry and do a good deed in the process.

Great Job!

You’re not done but the most time-consuming parts are over! Now’s the time to design your new pantry and put it all back! Before starting, take a moment to visualize where you want each group of food items to live in your pantry so you have some idea of where to start. Focus on functionality! Put things that you often reach for in easy-to-reach areas & less frequently used items on upper shelves.

Bonus Tip: Before you start to put things back in your pantry, take a few minutes to wipe down the shelves and sweep or vacuum the floor of the pantry.

#3: Place Your Perishables Front & Center

Feel free to organize your pantry in whatever way works best for you. However, the biggest recommendation that I can make is to place any perishable foods or produce front & center. If you take away anything from the pantry organization ideas in this article, it should be this! Food that isn’t clearly visible tends to get forgotten about. Then by the time you come across it in your pantry, it has often already gone bad. So if you choose to store perishables in the pantry just make sure they are the first thing that catches your eye when you open your pantry.

#4: Use Clear Storage Containers

On a similar note, if you plan to use storage containers, I recommend using clear plastic or glass containers. You want all of your food visible so that it doesn’t get forgotten about. This also gives you the full picture of what you have available in your pantry.

Try checking out The Container Store! They have a ton of options to help with your pantry revamp.

pantry organization containers

#5: Lazy Susans

These are great items to incorporate into your pantry. I typically use these for bottled foods like dressings, condiments, and sauces so they are easily accessible. These are an inexpensive addition that can really increase the functionality of your pantry.

#6: Use Tiered Racks for Canned Goods

Racks can also be very helpful when organizing cans or spices. I would recommend ones with multiple levels or tiers. This will optimize your storage space and make it easier for you to see everything you have.

#7: Over The Door Organizer

These typically consist of shallow shelves that hang over the back of your pantry door. These are an awesome option for storing your spices, extra canned goods, or those commonly used items that you’re constantly reaching for. Be sure to measure prior to buying these! Make sure you have enough space to close the pantry door with the shelves installed.

pantry organization ideas

#8: Mason Jars

My favorite item to use in my pantry are mason jars! These are ideal to store your dry ingredients such as pasta, rice, flour, sugar, etc. If you want to take your organization game to the next level, try using labels for the food you store in mason jars! They’re cute and help you quickly find what you’re looking for. I recommend getting reusable labels that can be erased. This way you can easily repurpose the container if needed.

Plastic Tupperware is an alternative option to mason jars. I just find that mason jars (or any glass containers) just elevate the look a bit.

Bonus Tip: Whichever container type you choose, make sure that the openings are wide enough to stick a measuring cup into the container. This will make it more convenient for you while cooking or baking.

pantry organization tips

#9: Use Baskets or Tubs for Larger Items

For larger items, packets, or snack items, baskets or small tubs are a great storage option. Going back to Tip #4, I do recommend that these containers are clear if possible. If they’re not, try placing them on lower shelves or even the floor of the pantry. This way, you can look down into the container to see what’s in it.

#10: Use Your Floor Space & Top Shelf Wisely!

The floor of your pantry provides so much extra space but this space is often not optimized. What goes on the floor and top shelf of your pantry will vary from person to person. The floor is a great place for larger containers (such as a container for dog food), heavier items, & cleaning products.

The top shelf is great storage for less frequently reached-for items. Paper towels, ziplock products, grilling items, and any extras you have in your pantry (for example if you have an extra bag of flour) would be great top-shelf items.

pantry organization project

These are my best pantry organization ideas & tips! The biggest things to keep in mind are functionality & keeping your food visible. It is so incredibly satisfying to clean out your pantry & have a beautifully organized & functional space at the end.

Organizing your pantry may seem like it wouldn’t have that big of an impact on your everyday life. But the little things like decluttering your living space can really elevate your mood and make for a more productive day!

Let me know how your pantry overhaul goes and if you have any other pantry organization ideas or tips to add to the list!

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