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What is Habit Stacking and Why is it Important?

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So you’re obviously wondering what is habit stacking and why is it important.

Habit stacking can benefit you in SO many ways!

Have you ever struggled to stick to new habits or wondered how to make positive changes in your life without feeling overwhelmed? Because same. In this article, we will delve into the concept of habit stacking and explore why it’s such a game-changer for personal development and self-improvement.

Habit stacking, often referred to as ‘piggybacking,’ involves combining new habits with existing routines to make positive changes more manageable and sustainable. Let’s dive into the world of habit stacking to understand its power and how it can benefit you in so many ways!

what is habit stacking and why is it important

What is Habit Stacking and Why is it Important?

Understanding Habits

First things first, let’s talk about habits. Habits are those little routines we do on autopilot – brushing our teeth, making a cup of coffee, or scrolling mindlessly through social media.

They play a HUGE role in shaping who we are and what we achieve in life. You might have heard of the habit loop – cue, routine, reward. It’s like a neurological loop that governs our habitual actions.

I know it seems like everyone is hyping up the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. But trust me, the book is worth the hype! I highly recommend checking it out if you’re at all interested!

According to Clear, “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.” Each habit we develop might seem small on its own, but over time, it adds up and creates a significant impact on our lives.

atomic habits book cover

The Power of Habits

Habits have this sneaky power to either make or break us. Just think about that one bad habit that seems to hold you back from reaching your goals. Maybe it’s hitting the snooze button repeatedly in the morning or reaching for unhealthy snacks when you’re stressed.

But fear not, my friends! Here’s where habit stacking swoops in to save the day!

Introducing Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is a simple yet brilliant concept. It involves “piggybacking” new habits onto existing ones. You see, we all have established routines throughout our day – like drinking our morning coffee or taking a shower. Habit stacking uses these existing routines to make it easier to build new habits.

Remember, start small! As James Clear says, “The two-minute rule says that when you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.” Simple, right? By keeping it bite-sized, you’ll find it easier to stay consistent.

Creating Effective Habits

Now, let’s talk about choosing the right habits to stack. You want habits that align with your goals and bring you closer to becoming the person you envision. For example, if you want to become more active, start by doing two minutes of stretching right after your cup of coffee in the morning.

Here’s another example: if you want to read more books, start by placing a book next to your bathroom sink every night. (I know that sounds weird but stick with me!) 

The next morning you get up and brush your teeth, and, oh look! A book! Tell yourself to read just ONE page every morning. Guess what? That one page will quickly turn into a chapter, and soon, you’ll be a voracious reader!

The Habit Stacking Process

Let’s break down the habit-stacking process into easy steps:

  • Identify the Right Cues: Look for existing habits you do consistently every day, like having lunch, walking the dog, or brushing your teeth.
  • Match with New Habits: Find habits that align with your goals and can be done in a short amount of time. It could be meditating for a minute or doing a few squats.
  • Create a Trigger: Use the existing habit as a trigger for the new one. It could be something as simple as saying, “After I [existing habit], I will [new habit].”
  • Stay Consistent: Stick to your habit stack every day until it becomes second nature.
habit stacking

Let’s use this process to break down our teeth brushing/reading example.

  • Cue/Existing Habit: Brushing Your Teeth
  • New Habit: Reading one page of a book per day
  • Trigger: “After I brush my teeth, I will read one page of a book”
  • Consistency: Making the habit easy to be completed in under two minutes will make it so much easier for you to stick to it! In addition, placing the book next to your sink will visually remind you of your habit. 

You brush your teeth every morning (well… hopefully you do) so every morning, you will see the book, and get into the NEW habit of picking it up and reading a page (and eventually reading more!) After a while, it will become second nature to read a book after brushing your teeth.

Overcoming Challenges

Now, I won’t lie – habit stacking might still present some challenges. Life happens, and there will be days when you slip up. But don’t beat yourself up! As James Clear puts it, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” The key is to create a system that supports your habits even during tough times.

Customizing Habit Stacking

One size doesn’t fit all, and the beauty of habit stacking lies in its flexibility. You get to customize it to your preferences and lifestyle. Maybe you’re a night owl, so you stack your habits for the evening, or perhaps you’re an early bird, and your mornings are where it’s at!

Habit Stacking in Daily Life

Let’s take a peek into how habit stacking can transform your daily life:

habit stacking tips

Morning Routines for Productivity:

Introducing habits into your morning routine is the easiest way for many of us to start incorporating habit stacking. Most of us have plenty of existing habits that we do in the morning that are great foundations to stack new habits on. Here are a couple of examples:

  • After my morning coffee, I’ll meditate for two minutes to clear my mind and set positive intentions for the day.
  • Following my shower, I’ll do ten jumping jacks to get my blood flowing.

Evening Routines for Relaxation and Better Sleep:

Evening routines are another place where most of us have plenty of opportunities for habit stacking. Some examples:

  • After dinner, I’ll take a leisurely walk to unwind and digest my meal.
  • Right before bed, I’ll write down three things I’m grateful for to end the day on a positive note.

Habit Stacking for Health and Wellness

Your health and wellness will see a remarkable improvement through habit stacking. Small habits, like drinking an extra glass of water or taking a five-minute stretch break every hour, add up to a healthier you! Health & Wellness examples:

  • Every morning after waking up, I’ll drink one full glass of water.
  • Right after my shower, I’ll meditate for 5 minutes.

Habit Stacking for Career Success           

The impact of habit stacking extends to your professional life as well. Building habits that improve focus, time management, and communication skills can lead to significant career growth.

  • As soon as I sit down at my desk, I will make a list of goals and tasks for the day.
  • After writing down my tasks for the day, I will send a daily update email to my team.

Tracking Your Progress

Tracking your habits is like having a personal cheerleader – it keeps you accountable and motivated! You can use habit-tracking apps or even a good old-fashioned journal. Lucky for you, we have an awesome FREE PRINTABLE for a 30-Day Habit Stack Challenge! This is a great resource to kick-start your habit-stacking journey!

Measuring Success & Personal Growth

Remember that habit stacking is a journey, not a destination. Celebrate your small wins and milestones along the way.

Reflect on how far you’ve come and the positive impact your habits are having on your life. The main goal of creating new habits is to improve your life and bring you more success and joy. 

As you continue habit-stacking, you’ll notice personal growth happening organically. It’s like leveling up in a video game! The more positive habits you add, the stronger and more capable you become.

Habit stacking is like the secret sauce of self-improvement! By piggybacking new habits onto existing routines, you can create a powerful positive impact on your life. Remember, start small, stay consistent, and customize your habit stack to fit your lifestyle. As James Clear beautifully sums it up, “Habits are the entry point through which you can begin to change your beliefs about yourself.”

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into habit stacking and watch your life transform one small habit at a time! Happy habit stacking, my friends!

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